Monthly challenge

3000 USD

balance on account

1000 USD

balance on account

3000 USD

balance on account

500 USD

balance on account

How to win

Every client of NationFX is automatically accounted as an participant of the challenge. The challenge starts every month on the 1st and ends on 30/31 day of the same month. After that our team will verify each account and choose 3 winners. The winners are chosen according to the highest percentage in profit from the account initial balance.Any other deposit will be added to the initial balance. In the unfortunate case in which you lose your account balance, you can top up and enter the challenge again at any time. Using percentage from the initial balance we are making sure that everybody is equal, so you can participate with any account balance.


John has 100USD initial balance and makes a profit of 500 USD at the end of the month. He will have 50% profit from his intial balance.

Matthew has 10.000 USD initial balance and makes a profit of 2500 USD at the end of the month . He will have 25% profit from his intial balance.

In this case John wins because he has a higher percentage gain from his initial balance than Matthew.


The challenge is accounted only for MT4 REAL accounts , Demo accounts DO NOT COUNT for the challenge!

We are offering you maximum flexibility for trading, please feel free to trade in your own style as long as it complies with our Customer Agreement Policy.

Accepted deposit methods